I am broadly interested in Natural Language Processing (especially Text Generation) and Machine Learning Security & Privacy.
Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar
Selected Papers
* denotes equal contributions / lead authors.
Fact, Fetch, and Reason: A Unified Evaluation of Retrieval-Augmented Generation
Satyapriya Krishna, Kalpesh Krishna*, Anhad Mohananey*, Steven Schwarcz, Adam Stambler, Shyam Upadhyay, Manaal Faruqui
NAACL 2025
arXiv // dataset -
Foundational Autoraters: Taming Large Language Models for Better Automatic Evaluation
Tu Vu*, Kalpesh Krishna*, Salaheddin Alzubi, Chris Tar, Manaal Faruqui, Yun-Hsuan Sung
EMNLP 2024
arXiv // tweet -
Gemini 1.5: Unlocking multimodal understanding across millions of tokens of context
Gemini Team, Google (Kalpesh Krishna is a Core Contributor)
arXiv 2024 technical report // tweet -
Gemini: a family of highly capable multimodal models
Gemini Team, Google (Kalpesh Krishna is a Core Contributor for Bard/Gemini Advanced)
arXiv 2024 technical report, see Section 6 onwards for Gemini Advanced work // blogpost -
FActScore: Fine-grained Atomic Evaluation of Factual Precision in Long Form Text Generation
Sewon Min*, Kalpesh Krishna*, Xinxi Lyu, Mike Lewis, Wen-tau Yih, Pang Wei Koh, Mohit Iyyer, Luke Zettlemoyer, Hannaneh Hajishirzi
EMNLP 2023
PIP package // code // tweet -
Paraphrasing evades detectors of AI-generated text, but retrieval is an effective defense
Kalpesh Krishna, Yixiao Song, Marzena Karpinska, John Wieting, Mohit Iyyer
NeurIPS 2023
model + data + code // tweet -
LongEval: Guidelines for Human Evaluation of Faithfulness in Long-form Summarization
Kalpesh Krishna, Erin Bransom, Bailey Kuehl, Mohit Iyyer, Pradeep Dasigi, Arman Cohan, Kyle Lo
EACL 2023 (Outstanding Paper Award)
data + code // tweet // video // external article -
RankGen: Improving Text Generation with Large Ranking Models
Kalpesh Krishna, Yapei Chang, John Wieting, Mohit Iyyer
EMNLP 2022
code // tweet // video // external summary -
Hurdles to Progress in Long-form Question Answering
Kalpesh Krishna, Aurko Roy, Mohit Iyyer
NAACL 2021
blog // code // project page // tweet -
Reformulating Unsupervised Style Transfer as Paraphrase Generation
Kalpesh Krishna, John Wieting, Mohit Iyyer
EMNLP 2020
project page (with demo) // external video -
Thieves on Sesame Street! Model Extraction of BERT-based APIs
Kalpesh Krishna, Gaurav Singh Tomar, Ankur P. Parikh, Nicolas Papernot, Mohit Iyyer
ICLR 2020
blog // project page
Other Papers
PostMark: A Robust Blackbox Watermark for Large Language Models
Yapei Chang, Kalpesh Krishna, Amir Houmansadr, John Wieting, Mohit Iyyer
EMNLP 2024
arXiv // tweet -
GEE! Grammar Error Explanation with Large Language Models
Yixiao Song, Kalpesh Krishna, Rajesh Bhatt, Kevin Gimpel, and Mohit Iyyer
NAACL 2024 (Findings) -
On the Risks of Stealing the Decoding Algorithms of Language Models
Ali Naseh, Kalpesh Krishna, Mohit Iyyer, Amir Houmansadr
CCS 2023 (Distinguished Paper Award) -
ezCoref: Towards Unifying Annotation Guidelines for Coreference Resolution
Ankita Gupta, Marzena Karpinska, Wenlong Zhao, Kalpesh Krishna, Jack Merullo, Luke Yeh, Mohit Iyyer, Brendan O’Connor
EACL 2023 (Findings)
code -
NL-Augmenter: A Framework for Task-Sensitive Natural Language Augmentation
Kaustubh D. Dhole and others
NEJLT 2023
code -
SLING: Sino Linguistic Evaluation of Large Language Models
Yixiao Song, Kalpesh Krishna, Rajesh Bhatt, Mohit Iyyer
EMNLP 2022
code -
Document-Level Literary Machine Translation with Parallel Paragraphs from World Literature
Katherine Thai*, Marzena Karpinska*, Kalpesh Krishna, Bill Ray, Moira Inghilleri, John Wieting and Mohit Iyyer
EMNLP 2022
code + data -
Few-shot Controllable Style Transfer for Low-Resource Multilingual Settings
Kalpesh Krishna, Deepak Nathani, Xavier Garcia, Bidisha Samanta, Partha Talukdar
ACL 2022
data // project page -
RELiC: Retrieving Evidence for Literary Claims
Katherine Thai, Yapei Chang, Kalpesh Krishna, Mohit Iyyer
ACL 2022
code + data // project page -
User and Technical Perspectives of Controllable Code Generation
Stephanie Houde, Vignesh Radhakrishna, Praneeth Reddy, Juie Darwade, Haoran Hu, Kalpesh Krishna, Mayank Agarwal, Kartik Talamadupula, Justin D. Weisz
NeurIPS HCAI workshop 2022 (short paper) -
Do Long-Range Language Models Actually Use Long-Range Context?
Simeng Sun, Kalpesh Krishna, Andrew Mattarella-Micke and Mohit Iyyer
EMNLP 2021 -
Weakly-Supervised Open-Retrieval Conversational Question Answering
Chen Qu, Liu Yang, Cen Chen, W. Bruce Croft, Kalpesh Krishna and Mohit Iyyer
ECIR 2021 -
Long Document Summarization in a Low Resource Setting using Pretrained Language Models
Ahsaas Bajaj*, Pavitra Dangati*, Kalpesh Krishna, Pradhiksha Ashok Kumar, Rheeya Uppaal, Bradford Windsor, Eliot Brenner, Dominic Dotterrer, Rajarshi Das and Andrew McCallum
ACL Student Research Workshop (SRW) 2021 -
An Analysis of Frame-skipping in Reinforcement Learning
Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan, Siddharth Aravindan, Vishwajeet Bagdawat, Varun Bhatt, Harshith Goka, Archit Gupta, Kalpesh Krishna, Vihari Piratla
arXiv 2021 -
SunPy: A Python package for Solar Physics
Stuart J. Mumford and others
JOSS 2020 -
Generating Question-Answer Hierarchies
Kalpesh Krishna, Mohit Iyyer
ACL 2019
project page (demo + code + data) // poster // external blog -
Syntactically Supervised Transformers for Faster Neural Machine Translation
Nader Akoury, Kalpesh Krishna, Mohit Iyyer
ACL 2019
code // poster -
Trick or TReAT: Thematic Reinforcement for Artistic Typography
Purva Tendulkar, Kalpesh Krishna, Ramprasaath R. Selvaraju, Devi Parikh
ICCC 2019 (oral presentation, Best Presentation Award)
code // slides // video // demo -
Revisiting the Importance of Encoding Logic Rules in Sentiment Classification
Kalpesh Krishna, Preethi Jyothi, Mohit Iyyer
EMNLP 2018 (oral presentation, short paper)
code + data // slides // video -
Hierarchical Multitask Learning for CTC-based Speech Recognition
Kalpesh Krishna, Shubham Toshniwal, Karen Livescu
[external video]
arXiv 2018 -
A Study of All-Convolutional Encoders for Connectionist Temporal Classification
Kalpesh Krishna, Liang Lu, Kevin Gimpel, Karen Livescu
ICASSP 2018 (Awarded SPS Travel Grant)
Undergraduate Thesis - Constraint Driven Learning
(under guidance of Prof. Preethi Jyothi)
IIT Bombay (2017-2018)